Replica Gucci 547551 Ophidia Small GG Tote Bag Beige Blue on sale now. just need $208.00 and includes free worldwide shipping.
You will get an AAAAA Replica knockoff Gucci 547551 Ophidia Small GG Tote Bag Beige Blue with the best price. 1:1 made as the original. If you are not satisfied with the product you received. please be sure to contact us. we promise to solve the problem for you. We are confident that you will adore our products and that we can establish a long-term business relationship with each other.
Products Description
Mirroring the material’s historic origins. GG Supreme is introduced in a timeless mix of blue and beige for Gucci Love Parade. With a low environmental impact. the canvas has come to the forefront of each collection decade after decade to become a hallmark of the House. Here. the classic palette defines this small tote from the Ophidia line. combined with the Web in blue and red.
Brand: Gucci
- Availability: In stock
- Size: W24cm x H205cm x D10cm
- Beige and blue GG Supreme canvas. a material with low environmental impact
- Blue leather trim
- Shiny gold-toned hardware
- Blue and red Web
- Microfiber lining with suede-like finish
- Interior open and smartphone pockets
- Double leather handles with 2.75″ drop
- Detachable shoulder strap with 23″ drop
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